Just in case I'm not able to write this one, I have written it too..
I have been in Hepburn for a Hen's weekend.
I will post photos/write about it soon!
as I can't do a post without some visual stimulant, here is a picture for you!!

I have started being a consultant for Enjo.
There is a fantastic offer for a limited time
Kitchen glove and miracle, bathroom glove and miracle for a total of $149
Total value: $192 Total savings: $43
thats 22% off
Let me know if you would like to order or would like a catalogue
Check this out
How cool is this, Screen Printing classes... at the Ink and Spindle Studio!! I can't wait. Have a look at the Harvest Textiles Blog and see some of the work thats being created.. Looking good!!
On top of that I had an engagment party on Saturday night, and grape picking Sunday morning before work... woowww!! Working Today and then Time for a rest..