May 16, 2009

I love the postman!!

Look what turned up Thursday!! I received a big bundle from the fabulous Shannon Lamden aka Aunty Cookie.

I can't wait to start cutting and sewing.  Will only be cutting for a little while as I took my sewing machine in for a service... What am I going to do without my sewing machine?? I really didn't want to part with it, but thought 'its now or never' and I do want it to last a while.  I do have the overlocker, so I can still accomplish quit a lot without it.

At the moment, the material is just staring at me, but it looks so good in a bunch, that I don't want to separate it.

Oh well, I better stop procrastinating and start doing something if I'm ever going to be ready for these markets.  Did I tell you I got into 2 markets.  


May 15, 2009

Pay it forward giveaway!

Pay It Forward Giveaway

I will make a handmade gift for the first 3 interested people who comment on this post. I have 365 days to do it in…What it will be and when it will arrive is a total surprise!The catch is that you must participate as well: you must have a blog and before you leave your comment here, write up a pay it forward post on your blog to keep the fun going. (Just cut and paste this one if you like, which I did). Cheers!

May 12, 2009

Trip to the big smoke!

I don't usually take weekends off, being a massage therapist in a tourist town you can't really afford to.  but it has been quite a while since I have had a whole weekend.  So I headed down to the BIG smoke
Melbourne with some friends. 

On Saturday we did some shopping at DFO at Southern Cross Station I usually shop at Chadstone however this place rocked!! We ended up spending quit some time there, and saved some dosh, can you believe it $15 jeans and they're quit dressy. 

We went out to dinner at The Keilor Hotel think thats what it was called.  And it was pretty damn good too.. I had the Lamb Curry, the lamb was just falling apart which was awesome.  One of the girls had Pumpkin Gnocchi, now I've always liked gnocchi, but this was amazing... I am definitely going to have to master this one, they were oh so fluffy and tasty.. Its making me hungry just thinking about it and I have already had dinner, thats how good it was!

On Sunday Morning we went to The Werribee Zoo.


Me posing with the statues

How cool is this water fountain... isn't it just the greatest

Ok, so they're not real, but how cool are they anyway !!

I'm not really a huge fan, but check out these little guys, they are pretty cool aren't they.

Wow, how many times did I say 'how cool' sorry bout that will try not to do it again!!

BIRTHDAY!! Presents and all

I have decided this year instead of having a birthday, I'm going to have a birthweek!! 

and to kick it off, I had a birthday dinner last night with some friends and family, I received this lovely clutch from from special friends.  Its made by FelixandJayne, check out all there fantastic creations.

Don't you just love how its sewn together.. I think it must be screen printed and then sewn.  Its the greatest!

I also received this necklace that was purchased from incube8r.  Every time I head in there I can't help myself and end up buying something.

Its not the greatest photo, but you get the idea.  It has a pearl in the centre.

I also was given this awesome mannequin I have been eyeing for sometime.  Which I can't wait to hang scarves and things on.

May 3, 2009

My New Brochures!!

These are my new brochures as promised draft copy, yes there are a few spelling mistakes I have to change and then they're ready to print!!.  I'm not sure if your able to read them, but you get the idea.  I just have to finish my business cards and I'll be happy.  

So what do you think?? do you like them?  One of my good mates Stacey Hewitt (Rees) helped me out with design. She is the best artist, you can check out her work on Etsy. 

May 1, 2009

Check out my new toy!!

I've finally bought an overlocker.. yeah I know it has taken me a while, some might say I'm a bit behind the times.
They are the greatest.  Ok, Ok, so I've only made one thing so far and it was only a scarf.  I've still got to play around, it is a bit scary, and its so fast, and cuts aswell I have used one before, but this one is actually mine... woohoo!! Think of all the things I can make and how neat everything will be.  and it'll take half the time so I've heard. I'll add some more picks soon, am hoping to spend some time on it tomorrow, and get quite a bit accomplished!!

And this is the first scarf I made with my new toy... This is the second of the smaller width.. what'da'ya think??  I'm keeping this one, but don't worry, there will be more in the shop soon..

Ok, so I was going to show you all my new massage brochures, but am having trouble loading them...  I will try and format them tomorrow, so I can load them on here..